Support for more bikeways, trails

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To the Editor:

In regard to the Bikeways and Trails chapter [in the Comprehensive Plan], I have found there is great support for a more walkable and bikeable Chesterfield County. Everyday I see people trying to cross Ironbridge Road without crosswalks or sidewalks. Our county has not developed well for the many forms of transportation people already use, and it is time to put in place a plan for the infrastructure we need for years to come. The Bikeways and Trails chapter will provide guidance for coordination among departments with new development and when older areas are fixed.

Sometimes I am a car driver, other times a pedestrian or biker; for me it depends on how close and safe it is to get to my destination. Not having transportation options forces me to drive to amenities that are only one to three miles away. We have citizens that are too young to drive a car so giving them safe infrastructure to walk or bike helps them learn valuable navigation and independence skills when they go to school or to a friends house in the next subdivision. Increasingly, we have citizens that are older and don’t want to drive, but amenities are so close they would like to walk or bike and maintain their health and independence. For other citizens, they are working a job close to where they live until they can buy a car. We need to adopt this chapter which will plan for the future of all our people to make roads safer for drivers and provide safe transportation ways for the walking and biking we are already doing.

Melinda Aileo


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