Help needed for man whose house burned

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Many in the Bruce Farms subdivision in Chester have expressed a desire to help a neighbor rebuild after an electrical fire destroyed his home at 4617 Bruce Road in the early morning hours May 18.

The structural damage has been estimated at approximately $120,000. There is no insurance to help with the rebuild. The American Red Cross has provided temporary shelter for the homeowner at a local hotel. The Bruce Farms community would like to invite you to join us by demonstrating your compassion and support. Individually we may help a little, but acting as a community we can do miracles. If you would like to join others in helping to get this longtime Chester resident back in his home, a fund has been established through The River Church in Chester. All donations are tax deductible. There are two ways to give.

1. You can write a check to The River Church and designate “House Fire” in the memo. Mail the check to: The River Church, 2206 E. Hundred Rd., Chester VA 23836 or drop it off at the church.

2. You may also give electronically by going to, click on the giving page, then click on “EasyTithe” and choose the “Quick Give” tab, then select the “Community Support – House Fire” fund. (Please note that EasyTithe charges The River a 2.9-percent service fee.)

If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]. Thank you for the love and care you are extending to your neighbor in need. This gentleman has been truly astonished and touched that his community cares and wants to help.

Don’t delay. We would like to receive all donations by June 21. Feel free to include a personal note of encouragement if you desire.

Melanie Craft



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