Genealogy, politics don’t mix

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To the Editor:
I like genealogy stories, and I was particularly engrossed in the one on Italy until Mr. Roy Mastro injected his politics into the article. He lost me at that point. I quit reading. Comparing Mussolini with President Trump was a disgraceful comment. I do not think our country is anything like Mussolini’s Italy in the 1940s.  Politics do not belong in family history articles. The author needs to reflect on what it means every time an illegal person crosses our borders. Mr. Trump has ensured that Americans have jobs whether they take them or not.  Most Americans have felt safe for the first time in years, and the future now looks bleak to many.  Worry about the Chinese and the illegals flooding our borders and bringing diseases, etc., into this country.  We have laws!   Shameful political comments only make things worse, and we can all expect things to get worse, here and in Washington, D.C.

George Cranford


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