
Supervisors approve budget; real estate tax rate declining, utilities increasing; starting pay for teachers, law enforcement going up


As part of their April 6 business meeting, the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors approved a fiscal year 2023 budget and a 3-cent reduction in the real estate property tax from 95 to 92 cents per $100 of assessed value.  The commodity portion of water and wastewater bills will be going up an average of $1.54 per month from $59.17 to $60.71. However, George Hayes, director of utilities, said Chesterfield’s rates are “the most competitive rates in the region, if not the commonwealth.” The increase is targeted to result in an additional $3.1 million. As part of the $905.5 million…

School board approves food warehouse in Chester


On March 8, the Chesterfield County Public Schools Board voted to approve the lease of a food warehouse at 13600 Permilla Springs Drive in Chester. The facility is located east of Interstate 95 and south of Route 618 (Old Bermuda Hundred Road).Berkely Dunbrack, director of food and nutrition services, noted this action will cut out the middleman and enable delivery of fresher food to area schools.The deliveries will begin in August with 25 to 30 percent of food products initially and be at 100 percent by August 2023.Due to the school district’s size, it receives few food distribution bids, he said. The…

Parole board, budget among topics to be decided in special session


An impasse over appointees to the state parole board could end up hurting potential parolees, but that could be decided in an upcoming special session. State Sen. Joe Morrissey (D-Chester) said he plans to support any future appointees of Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) to the board, saying the current situation reminds him of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  “Someone has to be the bigger person,” he said, noting he worked the back channels among his party in the Senate to try to break the impasse.  “I thought what was done by both parties was disgraceful,” Morrissey said.  Former Gov. Ralph Northam…

New animal services center planned 


A new animal services facility is planned for Chesterfield County. As part of the consent agenda during the planning commission’s Feb. 15 meeting, the board unanimously recommended approval of a conditional use for such a new facility in the county government complex across the street from Lucy Corr Village nursing home.  The 65.5-acre site houses the county’s current animal services building. The new facility would also be built on the property.  It would house up to 78 dogs and 57 cats and include an outside barn for non-domesticated animals. Office and conference room space would be included, along with an…

Marijuana, masks and other legislation


State Sen. Joe Morrissey (D) and state Sen. Amanda Chase (R) provided an update on some pending legislation in the General Assembly last weekend.  Senate Bill 313, a replacement bill that Morrissey submitted that would have allowed industrial hemp growers in the state to sell marijuana to those without a medical marijuana card, failed 21-19 on Feb. 15.  Morrissey said the bill would help hemp farmers in Virginia. It had the support of 15 Republicans and four Democrats. In addition to Morrissey, other Democrats who supported the bill were John J. Bell, Lionel Spruill and Chap Petersen. Republicans who voted…

Meadowville, Magnolia Green developments discussed; Planning Commission recommends park and ride


On Jan. 18, the Chesterfield County Planning Commission heard an update from county officials about the existing Meadowville commercial development and a proposed rezoning of the Magnolia Green residential/commercial development. In considering the pending Magnolia Green commercial development, Economic Development Director Garrett Hart noted that Meadowville has taken over 20 years to develop. The 1,300-acre Bermuda site has around 600 acres left to develop, he said. It was purchased by the county in 1994 for $15.5 million, but land sales to date have totaled $25.2 million with 3,500-plus employees and $3.3 million in taxes paid per year. The latter equates…

Chesterfield school board upholds student mask mandate for now 


By a 3-2 vote, the Chesterfield County school board decided during a special meeting on Jan. 20 to continue a mask mandate for students that it imposed last August.  The session was called due to an executive order by new Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) that essentially gave the decision regarding student mask use to parents.  A federal regulation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still requires mask use on school buses. The school board’s decision only related to school property.  After discussion, Bermuda member Ann Coker, who was voted board chair during an earlier meeting in January, made…

Reduction in tax rates coming in Chesterfield


During the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors Dec. 15 meeting, Deputy County Administrator for Finance and Administration Matt Harris said the county plans to set the maximum real estate tax rate at 93 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, a reduction from 95 cents. Harris said the supervisors could still decide to lower the final rate lower than 93 cents. As part of the consent agenda, the supervisors voted to advertise that tax rate. The ad also includes increasing the tax threshold for the business, professional and occupational license (BPOL) tax from $300,000 to $400,000 and the personal property tax…

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