Crime of the Week
0The Chesterfield County/Colonial Heights Crime Solvers program needs your help to solve a series of shootings. On Sunday, June 12, four shootings into occupied vehicles involving the use of BB or pellet guns occurred in Chesterfield County. They all occurred between noon and 4 p.m. The first two incidents were in the area of Old Hundred Road near the Brandermill subdivision. The third shooting was on Genito Road near Hull Street Road, and the fourth was on Philray Road off of South Arch Road. Investigators are considering the possibility that a Gold Toyota Camry may be involved, but they are…
Recently Deceased
0Coyle, Mrs. Shirley Jean, of North Chesterfield, wife of Francis Q. Coyle Jr. Donis, Mrs. Maria A., 98, of North Chesterfield, widow of Jose Donis. Goodwin, Mrs. Judith D., 80, of Chesterfield, widow of Raymond E. Goodwin Sr. Gruden, Mrs. Linda, 69, of Chesterfield, wife of Frank G. Gruden Jr. Mohr, Ms. Koryl Leigh, 39, of Matoaca. Paterson, Ms. April Ann, 60, of Chesterfield. Robertson, Mrs. Marion O. Everett, of North Chesterfield, widow of Harvey Everett Jr. and Robert Robertson. Scott, Mr. Richard M., 76, of Chesterfield, a retired Army colonel who was a Vietnam War veteran, husband of Lannie…
Are we prepared?
0A few days after I arrived in Africa, I learned of the floods that ravaged the state of West Virginia and western portions of Virginia. My wife’s uncle was in White Sulphur Springs when this catastrophic event took place. He said that it had stormed and rained started at about 3 a.m. that morning, an unbelievable amount of rain fell in about an hour’s time in the afternoon. Rivers and creeks could not contain the torrent of water that would flow down from the mountains. Cars, houses, and people were swept away by what could be labeled the extreme of…
What matters to you most
0The Board of Supervisors and School Board have launched a community engagement initiative to provide you with a wide range of opportunities to communicate what is most important to you. The campaign will focus on a short, five-question survey. All county residents and business owners are encouraged to complete the survey and share it with your Chesterfield County families and friends. Blueprint Chesterfield, the county’s system for planning, establishing, and resourcing community priorities will help our leaders use that feedback to shape the five-year plan during the upcoming budget process. Community workshops are also planned to provide opportunities for residents…
Experience Chesterfield Launches New Website
0Chesterfield County has launched a new, mobile-friendly, enabling users to easily plan their next local adventure while on the go. The new Experience Chesterfield website offers themed, three-day itineraries as well as a comprehensive listing of seasonal activities. This summer, for instance, take in free concerts at centrally located Pocahontas State Park, sit in on a discussion with a New York Times bestselling author at North Courthouse Road Library, see a hidden island during a paddling trip on the James River, or sign up for a guided tour of Eppington Plantation.
Road Work on Coxendale Road
0Coxendale Road to be reconstructed, closing and delays are expected Contractors will be working on Coxendale Road reconstruction during the day from June 29 to approximately July 20. There will be some delays as the road is reduced to a single lane. Nighttime work on the roadway will begin July 5. During the period from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., the road will be completely closed. No traffic allowed. Please note from July 5 – 20: The Dutch Gap Conservation Area will close at 7 p.m. The Dutch Gap Boat Landing will close from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. The…
CVWA Expands Types of Plastics Collected Through Curbside, Drop-off Recycling
0Effective July 1, Central Virginia Waste Management Authority has greatly expanded the types of plastic bottles and containers it accepts in its Residential Recycling (curbside) and Drop-off Recycling programs in Chesterfield County. Accepted items for recycling will now include plastic containers No. 1-No. 7 (see container bottom), bottles and containers, caps and lids (free of all food and residue), waxy cartons such as milk and juice, juice boxes, and containers for egg substitutes. No plastic bags, Styrofoam or food-contaminated pizza boxes will be accepted. For more details, visit
Summer Camps Offered by CHSV
0The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia (CHSV) in partnership with Chesterfield County Department of Parks and Recreation will offer four camps this summer. Diggin’ in History Beginner Archaeology Camp is designed for children ages eight through 12. The children will learn how to search for clues from the past. Hands-on activities include site surveys, excavations, and artifact repair. A field trip to the Prince George Heritage Museum is included. The date for this camp is August 8-12. Time is 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Cost is $100/camper. Prepaid registration is required. Junior Archaeology Summer Camp, for children ages 11 through…