
Sunflower Gardens opens its doors


Sunflower Gardens, a new assisted living facility in North Prince George, welcomed over a hundred guests to its open house and tours of its new Alzheimer’s Specialty Center last Wednesday. The new 35,000 sq. ft. unit, will house 48 residents with 16 people in each of the three neighborhoods that are connected to a town center. The new addition is connected to the current building for staff and use of the full kitchen in the main building. Pictured is Jacob Gotchall, director of marketing and admissions giving a tour of the town center. The new center will be accepting residents…

We agree to disagree


Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. I do not have any close neighbors: I can see them but it would take a good nine iron to hit their house from mine – not that I have actually tried that. But the point is I prefer to have some spitting distance. That has worked for nine years until my farming neighbor decided that he did not want the trees growing along his field and the property line that extends down from the road and across roughly 40 yards of my wooded lot that is located behind…

Opening Day for Little Leaguers


Opening day is always a big day for the Central Chesterfield Little League and their players. Brian Reed, CCLL president welcomed the 52 teams in the league along with team managers, coaching staff, team moms and their families that kept the yearly tradition and weathered the rain on Saturday during the opening ceremonies. The fun games and activities scheduled for the rest of the day had been dampened and most families left after the opening ceremonies. No pictures, no cake walk, no dunk tank, but a few did visit some of the sponsor booths before they packed up and picked…

Garden Club is Springing into Action


Spring has sprung in Chester. Azaleas are bursting in color, Wisteria blooms are dangling from the tops of trees, tulips are popping up and gardeners are busy in their yards bringing life back in order. April is a busy time for gardeners as well as for members of garden clubs all over Virginia. The Chester Garden Club is not sitting still. Along with tending to their own gardens, members have been busy sprucing up the community’s public garden beds they tend to at the entrance sign of Chester and the corner of Harrowgate and West Hundred Roads. Members have also…

Telegraph code


One of the major beneficiaries of the Morse telegraph was the American railroad system. The telegraph made it possible to accurately track the position of trains by passing critical information between railroad stations. The Richmond-Petersburg Railroad had been previously dependent on lamps and other less reliable means could now be confirmed by railroad dispatchers. A little known fact is that technically, Morse had developed the first system of truly digital communications, a concept which has only recently entered commercial use. His alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters, represented by long and short electrical bursts, is not unlike the basis of the…

Weekly Calendar


APRIL 6 CHESTER CHOICS BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP – 10:30 a.m. until Noon. Chester Library. “A Beautiful Mind” by Sylvia Nasar will be discussed. No registration required. BE A HERO – SAVE THE BEES; SAVE THE FOOD – 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. Enon Library. Register online at WARM SEASON LAWN CARE – 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Central Library. The warm season grasses most adaptable to our region are Bermuda grass and zoysia grass. Mid-spring through mid-summer is the optimum time to plant these warm-season grasses in the Richmond area. Learn from a Chesterfield County Master Gardener what to…

VSU Open Multi-Purpose Center


Virginia State University recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony for its brand new $84 million Multi-Purpose Center. The 167,000 gross sq. ft. event facility has approximately 5,200 fixed seats and can accommodate nearly 6,200 for events. The facility is the home of Trojan basketball and volleyball, and will include food and retail services, media spaces, classrooms and faculty offices, a wellness center and conference/meeting spaces. Upcoming event on the schedule for VSU’s Multi-Purpose Center will be the Virginia State University Step Show on Saturday, April 16 at 7 p.m. Tickets on sale at or 1-800-745-3000. Photo courtesy of Virginia…

VSU Hosts Regional Master Gardener


Virginia State University will host a presentation by Ira Wallace, Central Virginia master gardener and owner of the cooperative Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. The presentation, Family Heirloom Seeds: Saving Our Stories, Saving Biodiversity, will be held on Thursday, April 7 at 3:30 PM in the Engineering Auditorium. Wallace coordinates variety selection and new seed grower contracts at Southern Exposure. She is also an organizer of the annual Heritage Harvest Festival in Monticello, and author of The Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening in the Southeast, which offers regional-specific information for area gardeners.  Acorn Community, the home of the Southern Exposure Seed…

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