While on Vacation
0How many of you think about an escape plan, in the place where you are staying while on vacation? We are staying in a place that firefighters once called a taxpayer, a business on the first floor with living space above it. This is a three-story condominium, where you enter and go straight up a set of stairs. The living space is on the second and third floors. The second floor has a family room, kitchen, two bedrooms and two full baths, while the third floor has a bedroom with a full bath. It looks like this condo sits in…
Recently Deceased
0Bryant, Mrs. Ruth Kelley, 86, of Chesterfield, widow of Edward L. Bryant. Burkey, Mrs. Phyllis Goff, 87, of Chester, widow of Franklin Burkey. Davis, Mrs. Catherine “Kitty” Mallory, 95, of Chesterfield, a Navy WAVE during World War II, widow of Raymond Gayle Davis Sr. Donner, Mr. Raymond G. Sr., 87, of North Chesterfield, a Korean War veteran, husband of Linda A. Donner. Dortch, Mrs. Dorothy Sedivy, 92, of Chesterfield, widow of Bernard C. Dortch Sr. Grenier, Mrs. Diane L.,71, of North Chesterfield, wife of Marcel Joseph Grenier. Harris, Mr. Chase, 17, of Chesterfield, son of Tanisha Harris and Lonzo Harris. Logan-Reilly, Mrs. Patricia, 63, of Chesterfield,wife of Charlie…
Winner of Senior Idol follows childhood dream
0This year’s winner of Senior Idol is achieving her childhood dream. “I was born wanting to sing,” Sandy Hendrick, 2016 Senior Idol winner said. “Every since I was in diapers I tried to sing.” She gathered her musical tools early. “When I was three or four years old I had a toy piano,” Hendrick said laughing, ‘There I was, banging away on it and singing something no-one could understand. But I was doing it!” Opportunities began coming Hendrick’s way. “When I was five years old I was in my first play,” she said. “By the time I was 10 years…
Family of hooters nest on Winfree Street
0The courtship of two Barred Owls began in February on Winfree Street in Chester. After courtship feeding and mutual preening, the Barred Owls settled in a tree hollow of an aged oak tree on Gene and Lynn Alexander’s property at the corner of Winfree and West streets. The Alexanders, neighbors and children began owl watching in early April when Gene Alexander discovered the first baby owl emerge from the tree hole. There were two; named by Alexander, Big Hootie and Little Hootie. Last week, Little Hootie was the last to fledge, joining Ma and Pa Hootie and its sibling, hootin’-away…
County Celebrates Its Volunteers
0Chesterfield County, like many local governments, has amazing volunteers, and the county greatly values their contributions. In fiscal 2015, approximately 4,000 volunteers dedicated 142,000 work hours valued at $3.5 million. Because of the tremendous work our volunteers do alongside county employees, Chesterfield is able to provide exceptional services and programs to residents daily. Services that might otherwise have been decreased have been maintained and even enhanced because of volunteers. The skills, talents and knowledge that volunteers offer contribute to the strength and effectiveness of the county.
Historical Society to offer Saturday Quilting Demonstration at Historic Magnolia Grange
0The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia (CHSV) will present a special event at Historic Magnolia Grange House Museum on Saturday May 21 at 12 p.m. This special Saturday program features Linda Lott, owner of Stitch by Stitch quilt shop in Chesterfield Meadows Shopping Center. Linda will describe different quilt styles and demonstrate quilting techniques. She will also describe the classes and learning opportunities available at Stitch by Stitch. A quilter for 16 years, Linda is a recent resident of Chesterfield County who opened Stitch by Stitch in April. This program is free and open to the public, who will be…
Matoaca performing arts spring concert series
0The Matoaca High School Performing Arts program will present a series of spring concerts. All concerts will take place in the school auditorium. Admission is $5 and tickets will be available at the door. The Matoaca High choirs under the direction of Brad Berkley will present a concert May 19 at 7 p.m. Performing groups include the award winning Up Front and High Impact show choirs. The Matoaca High band under the direction of Ronald Davis will appear in concert May 25 at 7 p.m. The show will feature the Superior rated concert band as well as the Jazz Ensemble.…
Hospitality Management Programs for juniors and seniors
0Virginia State University’s Hospitality Management Department is offering a summer bridge program for high school juniors and seniors interested in pursuing a career in the hospitality management industry, including hotel and restaurant management, travel agencies, cruise lines, event planning, casinos and more. Sponsored by Hyatt Hotels Corporation, a leading global hospitality company based in Chicago, the program will be held on the VSU campus June 20 through June 22. Student participants will be exposed to tools of marketing, accounting and finance, human resources and investment strategies through trips to Kings Dominion, the Richmond Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, a local hostel…