Weekly Calendar
0FEBRUARY 10 ASH WEDNESDAY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING – 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. Break at 5 p.m. for dinner and resume at 6:30 p.m. Public Meeting Room, 10001 Iron Bridge Rd. FEBRUARY 11 “THE LITTLE LION,” by playwright Irene Ziegler’s, based upon the book by local writer Nancy Wright Beasley, now playing at Swift Creek Mill Theatre as part of the Acts of Faith Theatre Festival. 8 p.m. Swift Creek Mill Theater, 17401 Jefferson Davis Hwy. FEBRUARY 13 HEROES AND HARD TIMES: AMERICAN HISTORY THROUGH SONG AND STORY – 10:30 a.m. until 11:15 a.m. Central Library. A journey that…
The Mask We Live In, Part 2 – Profiling Abusive Behaviors and Societal Influences
0Chesterfield County’s Domestic and Sexual Violence Resource Center will present “The Mask We Live In, Part 2 – Profiling Abusive Behaviors and Societal Influences” on Friday, Feb. 19, 2 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. This town hall meeting will expose signs and symptoms of violent behavior and expose the negative societal messages that are influencing our youth, who are rapidly transitioning into adulthood. Speakers will be Dr. Shawn Utsey, professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University, Robert Franklin, domestic and sexual violence prevention specialist at the Virginia Department of Health, and Sgt. Rodney Phillips, a community outreach officer with the Chesterfield…
Teacher’s Aide Charged with Assaulting Student
0Chesterfield Police have arrested a Chesterfield County Public Schools teacher’s aide in relation to the assault of an exceptional education student at Robious Middle School, 2701 Robious Crossing Drive, on Tuesday, Feb. 2. Police were notified of the incident on Friday, Feb. 5, after video of the assault was discovered on another faculty member’s cell phone. The assault was captured on video by another exceptional education student, who happened to be handling the phone at the time of the incident. Celina Deas-Durant, 48, of the 100 block of Poe Street in Richmond, was arrested without incident on Friday, Feb. 5,…
Streamlining Commercial Developments
0To the Editor: My name is Karl Johnson. I am a Chesterfield resident and a business owner. I am a commercial developer. I would like to see the Board of Supervisors make some changes in the way Chesterfield County approves which Commercial Developers get on the Fast Track approval process. In my experience dealing with my County, it seems that the large corporations get all the attention (such as Kroger. Martins and Amazon). I know these projects bring a lot of attention and jobs but the real economic mover is small businesses. The ratio of large businesses to small business…
Horse Fever
0My precious flower just celebrated her sixth birthday, it is truly hard to believe. I feel like time is marching on so quickly, and my darling girl is growing up too fast. For her birthday this year, she requested horseback riding lessons; of course we started this past Saturday. My girl is the happiest person I know, and she generates warmth and love. She makes everyone she is around feel special, and I adore that about her. Because of this, she usually just has to ask sweetly, and it is done – thus the horseback riding lessons. I was nervous…
Police Blotter
0ARBOR VIEW TR (60xx block) 02/02/2016 5:30 p.m. – Vandalism-Motor Vehicle BEACH RD (124xx block) 01/29/2016 6:00 p.m. – Property taken from unlocked shed. BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (124xx block) 02/03/2016 1:15 p.m. – Electronics stolen from school. BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (124xx block) 11/12/2015 7:00 a.m. – Electronics stolen from school. BREVARD DR (189xx block) 01/29/2016 2:00 p.m. – Victim advised the weather stripping on the driver’s side window was torn off and missing and a stretched out bobby pin was jammed in between the window and exterior door material. BRICKHOUSE CT (42xx block) 01/27/2016 10:00 a.m. – HVAC unit reported…
Crime of the Week
0The Chesterfield County/Colonial Heights Crime Solvers program would like to clarify a fact about this tip-taking program’s availability. While many cases that are released as Crime of the Week segments involve criminal activity such as homicides, robberies, felony larcenies and the like, Crime Solvers is also available to help solve crimes that might not otherwise make the local news, yet affect a larger portion of the population. Two such crimes are larcenies from auto and mailbox vandalisms. Between the evening of Sunday, Jan. 10, and the morning of Monday, Jan. 11, someone broke into at least 12 vehicles parked in…
Keep the Current Flowing
0Electricity is something that we pay for and expect it to be there every time that we need it. As a firefighter, we responded to the problems caused by electricity. Last night, while watching the news, I saw where Richmond Fire Department had responded to an apartment fire, caused by a faulty electrical system. Again, electricity is a vital part of our lives until, for some reason, we lose it. Some of you may have read that my wife and I had an electrical problem in our home after the snowstorm. We came home one evening to find that everything…